
September 24, 2011

Curing “Lack of Buyer Urgency”

The malady? Lack of Buyer urgency — especially amongst the folks coming through weekend open houses (assuming that they really are Buyers). The cure? There’s only one (at least that I know):  other, serious Buyer interest in a particular home. Which in turn is a function of the home’s price, condition, and — yup! — good...
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“At What Price Would Your Buyer Make an Offer?”

Corollary:  “Would Your Client Accept $X for Their Home?” I don’t know about other agents, but lately I’ve been seeing an evolution in showing feedback questions regarding price opinions. The forms used to ask whether the Buyer thought the home was priced at market, and if not, what price they thought was right. Now, I’m receiving forms (and emails...
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“Daddy, Do They Pay You to Eat in Restaurants?

Understanding Currency — But Not Denominations You’d ask the same question, too, if you saw your Father hand the waitress one bill  . . . and get four bills back in return! Except that the one bill was a twenty, and my change was a five and three ones . . .  P.S.:  My daughter does play...
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