
sign rider

Realtor to Colleagues: “Can Anyone Recommend a Good [Plumber/Electrician/Home Inspector]??”

Realtor-to-Realtor Referrals and Favors Neighbors ” at least once upon a time, and NOT during a pandemic ” used to borrow a cup of sugar from one another. What do Realtors borrow from each other? Far and away, the number #1 request is for Open House signs. Realtor request #2? Trusted contractor recommendations — often...
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The Many Uses (Still) For Liquid Paper (“White-Out”)

In a supposedly paperless world, why does anyone still need something to correct paper mistakes? I know at least one, non-standard application: touch-up paint for Realtor sign riders. 🙂 It’s not as good as white nail polish, and not as water-repellent (or long-lived) as oil-based paint, but in a pinch . . . it’ll do!
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The Many Uses (Still) For Liquid Paper (“White-Out”)

In a supposedly paperless world, why does anyone still need something to correct paper mistakes? I know at least one, non-standard application: touch-up paint for Realtor sign riders. 🙂 It’s not as good as white nail polish, and not as water-repellent (or long-lived) as oil-based paint, but in a pinch . . . it’ll do!
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The Many Uses (Still) For Liquid Paper (“White-Out”)

In a supposedly paperless world, why does anyone still need something to correct paper mistakes? I know at least one, non-standard application:  touch-up paint for Realtor sign riders. 🙂 It’s not as good as white nail polish, and not as water-repellent (or long-lived) as oil-based paint, but in a pinch . . . it’ll do!
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“Bad Grommet!#%!” (and similar-sounding expressions)

P.S.:  “What’s a Grommet??” OK, so “Bad Grommet!!” isn’t exactly what I muttered when I saw the misplaced grommets** in my custom sign rider this morning. 🙂 But, it sounded similar. The reason for my aggravation? The fix required a time-eating return trip across town to my sign company, to drill new grommets. Fortunately, they...
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New Lists, Pre-Lists, and Post-Lists (Huh?!?)

  “Ghost” For Sale Signs A “new listing” is self-explanatory. A “pre-list” is a Realtor drumming up interest in a soon-to-debut home (unfortunately, some Twin Cities agents now define “soon” as, “in the next six months”). So, what’s a “post-listing?” Answer (at least, mine): a “For Sale” sign post left in the front yard, after the house sale has closed. The depressing-but-true explanation: ...
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