One-Word Marketing Mantras It’s not entirely true that I got nothing out of the continuing ed course I walked out of this Wednesday after about one hour. I got the idea for this post. “Sell More Now!” When it turned out the 8-hour course was going to be one big pep talk, telling agents how...Read More
Overpriced Continuing Education There’s a story about Admiral Hyman Rickover, the famously intimidating Navy Admiral (mentor to Jimmy Carter, among others), and a particularly harsh interviewing technique that he supposedly employed. Namely, Rickover would offer the candidate a chair opposite him that sloped forward uncomfortably, and commence the interview. If the interviewee did not speak up within...Read More
Who Accredits the Accreditors? That’s the question I have this morning after enduring one of the more mindless online continuing ed courses I’ve been subjected to (yeah, I picked it — based on a totally misrepresentative course description). Practically every other paragraph, the course interrupted the presentation with inane “review” quizzes with questions like the one...Read More