

President as “Glorified Real Estate Agent?” What’s So Bad About That?!?

“Designated Survivor” Plot It’s not a spoiler alert if the spoiler is in the TV show’s title. So, just in case you missed the premiere episode of “Designated Survivor” last night, the premise is that the Secretary of Housing and Urban Development (played by Kiefer Sutherland) suddenly becomes President when the Capitol building is destroyed...
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What Makes a Movie Bad? It Depends How Old You Are

Marvel’s “Fantastic Four” Goes 0-for-3 There’s not just one definition of a bad movie, there are several, age-dependent ones. Or if you prefer, “multi-generational” definitions. At least in my family, here they are: 12 year-old son:  cheesy special effects. Me (mid-50’s):  convoluted (or no) plot; poor acting. Father-in-law (mid-80’s):  can’t nap during film (too loud)....
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