
median price

Which Suburb is More Expensive, St. Louis Park or Minnetonka?

Home Prices vs. Price Per Square Foot If all you had to go on was the graph (above) showing median home sale prices, it would be easy to field the question, “Which suburb is more expensive, Minnetonka or St. Louis Park?” Answer:  Minnetonka, where the median sales price of $340k (as of September 2018) easily eclipsed...
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Less Distress

Twin Cities Short Sales, Foreclosures Fall to 7% The general public may not be aware, but local Realtors certainly are:  the percentage of distressed sales in the Twin Cities is now about 7%. That’s a far cry from the +50% level breached just four years ago. Amongst other benign effects on the local housing market:...
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“Southwest (Mpls.) Cinderella’s”: How Prices on a Block Can Increase 80% . . .

 . . . . When Overall Housing Prices are Static How can housing prices (average and median) be galloping ahead in some Twin Cities neighborhoods, when overall prices are only modestly rising (from still very low levels)? Easy. Explanation #1:  not all neighborhoods are experiencing modest appreciation — some are doing GREAT; and Explanation #2:   tear-downs....
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