Whitney Lofts Unit Overlooking the Mississippi River OK, so the “For Sale” condo with 17.5′ ceilings and spectacular views of the Mississippi River (photo, above) is listed for only $2.875M. But, that just buys the shell — the unit is currently unfinished, raw space. Assuming that it costs $500/square foot to finish the 4,100 square...Read More
Good Luck Finding a Comp (“Comparable Sold Property”) Full disclosure: I haven’t shown the unit, have no firsthand knowledge of its features, and don’t know the Seller or their listing agent or broker. But, based solely on MLS photos and stats, I’m hard-pressed to think of another condo in Minneapolis — or anywhere in Minnesota...Read More
The Difference Between Night & Day? Try, Winter vs. Summer Want a rather dramatic example of how views can change seasonally? Contrast this summer-time photo, taken from the east-facing balcony of my listing at 3150 West Calhoun Parkway in Minneapolis: With this photo, taken just after the Twin Cities 16″ snowfall 10 days ago: See...Read More
Condo/Rental Building Boom Increasing City’s Density Since, I dunno . . . forever, the population of St. Louis Park, a first-ring Minneapolis suburb, has hovered around 50,000. Might that be about to change? Slow-Motion Building Boom Judging by all the high-density (for Minnesota) residential development — much of it for seniors — I’d say “yes.”...Read More