Key Variables: Type of School, Buyer Characteristics Homes on busy streets typically fetch a discount. Is there an equivalent discount for homes located across from a school? (which, in a way, is really just a subset of “busy street” — call it, an “intermittently busy street”). I’ve never seen formal data on this, but I’d guess...Read More
Key Variables: Which School? Which Buyer? Homes on busy streets typically fetch a discount. Is there an equivalent discount for homes located across from a school? (which, in a way, is really just a subset of “busy street” — call it, an “intermittently busy street”). I’ve never seen data on this, but I’d guess “yes.”...Read More
Three Variables Homes on busy streets typically fetch a discount. Is there an equivalent discount for homes located across from a school? (which, in a way, is really just a subset of the “busy street” discount). I’ve never seen data on this, but I’d guess “yes.” I’d further speculate that the discount varies depending on...Read More
Weighing Three Variables Homes on busy streets typically fetch a discount. Is there an equivalent discount for homes located across from a school? (which, in a way, is really just a subset of the “busy street” discount). I’ve never seen data on this, but I’d guess “yes.” I’d further speculate that the discount varies depending...Read More