“Why Isn’t My House Selling If the Market’s So Hot?!?” If you estimate — as most Realtors do — that the mainstream media (“MSM”) lags the housing market by 3-4 months, what do you suppose the real estate headline(s) will be in early 2014? That Buyers have become scarcer and more cautious. That’s particularly the...Read More
For the most part, there are no residual after effects in the wake of Minnesota’s almost two week government shutdown last month. For the most part. One exception (I’m sure there are others): several out-of-commission elevators in a condo building where I have an active listing. The elevators were all upgraded weeks ago, and work fine....Read More
Ripped From the Headlines Chalk it up to the late hour (and the long day). Or the vaguely Greco-Slavic-Italian byline: ‘Nicholas Confessore.’ Nevertheless, I read the following New York Times headline: “Parties Clash as Albany Edges Closer to Shutdown.” incorrectly as “Parties Clash as Albania Edges Closer to Shutdown.” Backing up, I realized the article...Read More