
get out the vote

Wanna Guess Who’s Calling Your Home Phone Tonight?

Election Eve 2017:  (Just) Before the Deluge Of course everyone over 18 years old should exercise their civic duty and vote tomorrow. And I certainly understand candidates’ frantic efforts to make sure their supporters get to the polls. But, if you plan to be home tonight and want some peace and quiet, I suggest you...
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“Republican Sputnik??”

Of all the reasons adduced for Mitt Romney’s election loss, perhaps the most surprising is that the Republicans’ “get-out-the-vote” technology lagged the Democrats’. Look for the 2016 Republican nominee — Chris Christie?  Jeb Bush?  — not to make the same mistake.  P.S.:  Sputnik, of course, was the 1957 satellite launched by the Soviets that served...
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