Severing the TV Watching – Eating Connection Would Americans be thinner if we all moved our fridges to the attic? Instead, over the course of half a century, we’ve collectively progressed from sneaking food into the den, to enjoying the occasional meal there (TV trays), to essentially combining the Kitchen and Family/TV Room into one, great big, opened-up area....Read More
Any Port Name-Brand Restaurant in a Storm I can’t prove it, but I’ve got a hunch that a big slice of McDonald’s’ customers are more than 100 miles away from home. Like us, over the weekend. McDonald’s . . . On the Road Traveling to (kind of) Northern Minnesota to visits friends at their cabin,...Read More
Not to Be Confused With Eating on the Run OK, so I’m not a dietician or nutritionist, and don’t have a speck of data to back me up. And gourmands would be appalled by what I’m about to suggest. But, here goes anyway: Maybe one of the factors in America’s obesity epidemic isn’t just what...Read More