Market Appreciation vs. Home Depreciation In all cases in which work is produced by the agency of heat, a quantity of heat is consumed which is proportional to the work done.” —Rudolf Clausius, first law of thermodynamics. “An overpriced, “For Sale” home depreciates in value faster than an appreciating housing market rises.” —Ross Kaplan, first...Read More
Market Appreciation vs. Home Depreciation “In all cases in which work is produced by the agency of heat, a quantity of heat is consumed which is proportional to the work done.” —Rudolf Clausius, first law of thermodynamics. “An overpriced, “For Sale” home depreciates in value faster than an appreciating housing market rises.” —Ross Kaplan, first...Read More
Market Appreciation vs. Home Depreciation “In all cases in which work is produced by the agency of heat, a quantity of heat is consumed which is proportional to the work done.” –Rudolf Clausius, first law of thermodynamics “An overpriced, “For Sale” home depreciates in value faster than an appreciating housing market rises.” –Ross Kaplan, first...Read More