Fake News Photo “True or False” Quick! Is the photo (above) of a lower level Amusement Room real or enhanced (through a wide-angle lens, etc.)? Answer: it’s real. According to MLS, the room measures a whopping 45(!) feet long. The foundation size of the home — a rambler — is well over 2,000 square feet,...Read More
The Case of the Far Away Fireplace Quick! Is the photo (above) of a lower level Amusement Room real or enhanced (through a wide-angle lens, etc.)? Answer: it’s real. According to MLS, the room measures a whopping 45(!) feet long. The foundation size of the home — a rambler — is well over 2,000 square feet, lending...Read More
At first blush, the photo (below) looks suspect. The room looks impossibly large and the bed tiny, even though the home’s age (1938) suggests medium if not smallish bedroom sizes. Telltale Clue(s) In fact, all the upper level bedrooms are small. However . . . lo & behold, further down in the listing’s MLS stats there...Read More