

Actors Who “Kill,” “Murder,” “Crush,” & “Destroy”

Not Bad Guys or Aliens — Their Roles No, I’m not talking about the heroes of the latest sci-fi blockbuster. I’m referring to when an actor (in a movie, play, etc.) or a comedian doing a stand-up gig, is said to have “killed it” when they do especially well. Or “crushed it,” “destroyed it,” “murdered it,”...
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“You’re . . . You’re . . . Such an Almond!” (Huh??)

Curious Expressions, Cont. If someone called you a “pistachio” or a “pecan” . . . you’d have absolutely no idea what they were talking about. But if they called you a “nut” — as in, “you’re such a nut!” — you’d know exactly what they meant. 🙂 Why’s that?? Credit a Kaplan kid for that...
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