

Explaining a TOO Quiet (for a Realtor) Sunday

Checking Your Teeth — and Your Voicemail Messages In retrospect, it DID seem a little quiet yesterday, even though I wasn’t hosting an open house, doing showings, or otherwise involved in a deal. The explanation? My cellphone’s voicemail was full. I found out when a client sent me an email. In contrast to a few...
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“Back on the Market” . . . Why Exactly?!?

Putting (Too) Good a Face on Things?  It’s a fact of (real estate) life: sales fall through. Buyers change their minds. Inspection issues come up. Buyers can’t get financing* (the honest explanation at least 80% of the time). When any of those (or other) unhappy events occur, listing agents have the demoralizing task of switching...
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Representing the Seller at a Preview (Huh??)

Why Homeowners Let the Competition Look (or Should) Wait a second! Don’t Buyers’ agents represent Buyers at a preview? (in contrast to a showing, a preview is when just the Realtor views the home). And exactly how does an agent represent the Seller of the home they’re previewing ” don’t they already have an agent? (called “the listing...
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Explaining Stock Market Volatility: Two Competing Theories

“Program Trading Gone Wild,” the Sequel? What’s behind gyrating stocks the last three weeks or so? (I know, it seems much longer). Here are two theories: One. Age-old human emotion — fickle, fear-and-greed driven human psychology — is the culprit. In particular, less experienced “retail” investors who chased high-flying tech stocks, and are now freaking...
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Basement Flood Mystery . . . Solved!

Hitting Too Close to Home When you discover 1″ of standing water in much of your basement (as I did this morning), your first impulse — after uttering the obligatory “#$!%@!” — is to shut off the water to the house, then look for whatever pipe burst overnight. Nada. I then checked the main sewer...
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Buyer’s Agent Oath, Pre-Showing: “Honest, My Client Won’t Cancel!”

Guilty Until Proven Innocent? How do you know a would-be home seller has just suffered a rash of cancellations and no-shows? Their agent (known as the listing agent) grills the next couple Buyer’s agents trying to show the property. That can be by email, voicemail, text or even by requiring a “chaperoned showing”:  that is,...
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