“I Can’t Get Covid — Can I??” As stressful as selling a home and moving to another is for people . . . it can be even more so for animals. Specifically, the family pet(s). The obvious reason: there’s no way to explain to them what’s happening (at least that I know). The cure? Extra...Read More
As stressful as selling a home and moving to another is for people . . . it can be even more so for animals. Specifically, the family pet(s). The obvious reason: there’s no way to explain to them what’s happening (at least that I know). The cure? Extra attention, exercise, and TLC ” and if...Read More
As stressful as selling a home and moving to another is for people . . . it can be even more so for family pets. The obvious reason: there’s no way to explain to them what’s happening (at least that I know). The cure? Extra attention, exercise, and TLC ” and if that doesn’t work,...Read More
Perplexed Fido: “What . . . What’s . . . Happening?!?” As stressful as selling a home and moving to another is for people . . . it can be even more so for family pets. The obvious reason: there’s no way to explain to them what’s happening (at least that I know). The cure?...Read More
WSJ Headline: “Big Soda Fights Image as Public Health Enemy” Yup, apparently “Big Soda” is a real term. According to Wikipedia: “Big soda is a term used by the media and various activist groups to describe the soft drink industry as a collective entity. The term connotes the business and lobbying power of soft drink companies, much like...Read More