. . . & By Implication, Modern America “When you see others . . . doing stuff at the expense of the broader society, your first reaction, at least early in your career, might be to call them out, but your considered reaction will be to keep mum about it. And when you see people making...Read More
It’s a given that everyone wants a Realtor “they can trust,” who has integrity, etc. But, you wouldn’t necessarily want one that trumpets that quality on their business cards or in their marketing. Shining a spotlight on the agent’s morals simply raises the issue — and makes at least a few people wonder why they...Read More
The Two Secrets to Job Satisfaction In my 10 years at Edina Realty, I’ve attended easily 1,000 company meetings — small, big, and everything in between. Never, absolutely never, in any of those meetings, did I ever hear fellow Edina agents refer to their clients as “Muppets,” “marks,” or “suckers.” At Goldman Sachs, that happens...Read More
Do Realtors Really Add Value? [Note: Since it appeared more than 3(!) years ago, this post has become one of the all-time most popular on City Lakes Real Estate — just on the earlier (software) version of this blog. I’m re-posting it now for the benefit of blog newcomers, and to make it easier for the search engines to find...Read More