Actually, the following joke is obsolete: I can tell you exactly where interest rates are going, because Ben Bernanke told me (and everyone else): zero, for a long time. So, just substitute “stocks” for “interest rates.” Enjoy . . . Einstein dies and goes to heaven only to be informed that his room is not yet...Read More
Regular readers of this blog know that I have a . . . well, quirky sense of humor — plus a love of language, odd constructions thereof, and word plays. In that vein, I’ve written such posts as, “What’s the Past Tense of Sight See?”; “Landmark — or Watermark?”; “Dried vs. MORE Dried Apricots“; and...Read More
The Quick & Simple Way to Fix Wall Street[Editor’s Note: in a post last week, “Financier, Heal Thyself? Don’t Count On It,” I promised a part 2. This is it. Heads up: if you read this blog purely for real estate content, or want a post with a little levity — skip this one.] Want...Read More