

“Final Acceptance” ” Real Estate Edition

Real Estate Terminology 101 “Final acceptance” sounds like something that happens in a hospice, or perhaps what Woody Allen has been seeking in therapy all these years. Fortunately, the real estate version is not so macabre:  it’s just a fancy way of saying, “Done Deal!” “Signed, Sealed, & (Constructively) Delivered” Specifically, “Final Acceptance” refers to...
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Listing Agent Code for “Don’t Worry, We Have a Deal” (Even Though the Seller Hasn’t Signed Yet)

Good Faith Gesture:  “Sold, Subject to Inspection” As veteran Realtors (if not their clients) know all too well, it ain’t officially a deal until all parties have signed, and the Purchase Agreement and any Addenda have been delivered to the other party (actually, their agent). Lots of Buyers learn that painful truth each year when,...
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“Final Acceptance” ” Real Estate Edition

Real Estate Terminology 101 “Final acceptance” sounds like something that happens in a hospice, or perhaps what Woody Allen has been seeking in therapy all these years. Fortunately, the real estate version is not so macabre:  it’s just a fancy way of saying, “Done Deal!” “Signed, Sealed, & (Constructively) Delivered” Specifically, “Final Acceptance” refers to...
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“Final Acceptance” — Real Estate Edition

Real Estate Terminology 101 “Final acceptance” sounds like something that happens in a hospice, or perhaps what Woody Allen has been seeking in therapy all these years. Fortunately, the real estate version is not so macabre:  it’s just a fancy way of saying, “Done Deal!” “Signed, Sealed, & (Constructively) Delivered” Specifically, “Final Acceptance” refers to...
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Sweating Out Seller Signatures (Again)

“They Can’t Do That!” (Can They??) I’ve never had it happen to one of my clients. But, I’m willing to guaranty you that somewhere in the Twin Cities this Spring, there’s going to be a Buyer (or several) who thought they had a done deal . . .  and suddenly doesn’t. The explanation? In between...
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