Don’t miss your chance to be just the fourth owner of this super-spacious, 5 BR/4 Bath Colonial in St. Louis Park’s high demand Fern Hill neighborhood. Just two blocks from Minneapolis’ Cedar Lake, this home is also convenient to Uptown, Downtown, and the Chain of Lakes (Isles, Bde Maka Ska, Harriet, etc.). The sprawling .25...Read More
Overheated Housing Market Prompts MLS Rule Changes [Note to Readers: The views expressed here are solely those of Ross Kaplan, and do not represent Edina Realty, Berkshire Hathaway, or any other entity referenced. If you need legal advice, please consult an attorney.] Combine an overheated housing market with seemingly zero inventory, rampant multiple offers, and...Read More
The “Can You Top THIS!?!” Spring 2021 Housing Market At least for now, the winner of the “Can You Believe How Crazy-Hot the Market Is!?!” contest is the Twin Cities home seller who reportedly sold their home a whopping 35 minutes(!) after it debuted on MLS. Under “Coming Soon.” Without a single showing.** And with...Read More
Just Listed: 2905 Princeton Ave. South in Fern Hill You might think a high(!) temperature today of 2° — never mind the windchill — would have a, umm . . . chilling effect on the Twin Cities housing market.🙂 Nope. As of late this afternoon, newly-listed 2905 Princeton Avenue South in St. Louis Park’s Fern...Read More
Four Ways to Tell In the history of mankind, no first-time Mother has ever under-dressed their newborn in the winter.” —Manhattan Pediatrician So which pediatrician uttered the above line? Mine (and my wife’s). What prompted that comment were the 3 layers of clothing my wife had already put on our newborn son (a long time...Read More
3901 Sunset Blvd. in St. Louis Park [Editor’s Note: The views expressed here are solely those of Ross Kaplan, and do not represent Edina Realty, Berkshire Hathaway (“Berkshire”), or any other entity referenced. Edina Realty is a subsidiary of Berkshire.] But for the fact that it’s on my (3 block) commute to work at Edina...Read More