
choosing Realtor

How Realtors Are Like Chameleons

Reflected Glory, or Guilt By Association? No, Realtors don’t change colors depending on their environment. And contrary to what some people may think, Realtors are not lizards (the vast majority, anyway). What I’m referring to is the propensity of prospective Buyers (still with me?) to associate the agent hosting an open house with the attributes of the...
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Choosing an Agent: Older vs. Younger

“Birds of a Feather . . . ?” When it comes to hiring a Realtor, which is better:  the younger, presumably less experienced Realtor, or, the older one who’s done more deals but whose energy level and technology skills may not compare? Before I answer, first a definition: Notwithstanding my 83 year-old Dad’s definition of...
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