Sell (Stocks) High, Buy (Housing) Low . . . Again? Stock market investors who’d gotten in at much lower levels and were worried that a correction was overdue decided to take profits. The sector they turned to? The housing market, where wary Buyers burned by the last downturn were still keeping their distance — or...Read More
Boobie Prize Winner — Winter, 2010 Edition [Editor’s Note: sort of like the blog equivalent of a broken clock, this post is timely twice a year in Minnesota. The last time I ran it was mid-December] Walking around Lake Calhoun just before dusk last night, I spotted what appeared to be not one but two...Read More
Renting vs. Buying: How Interchangeable? Carla Zeineh, 22, and her husband recently began shopping for a home in Irvine, Calif., and discovered that with a 5% mortgage rate, her monthly payment on a $350,000 two-bedroom home with 20% down could be less than the $1,800 month that they pay in rent on their two-bedroom condo....Read More