
Buyer Rep Agreement

Parachutists — and Realtors — Who Go “Splat!!”

Failing to Get a Signed Buyer Rep(resentation) Agreement What do parachuting and Buyer Rep contracts have in common? I learned from my one time parachuting, over 30(!) years ago (I knew the experience would prove to be useful in later life), that parachute fatalities actually fall into two groups. Unceremoniously referred to as “bouncing,” the...
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“How Long Should the Listing Be?”

Question #2:  How Many Months Between October and March?* The answer to “how long should the listing be?” is easy:  long enough to sell the house (duh!). But that just begs the underlying question:  how long will that take? Practically, the listing contract needs to be long enough to properly prep the home for market...
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Dear Buyer’s Agent: ‘You’re Going to Get Stiffed — But at Least I Told You So’

“Thanks for Nothing” (Literally) Department “Please note Buyer/Broker representation agreement for commission.” –Excerpt, MLS Agent Remarks I call the disclosure (above) the, “you’re going to get stiffed — but at least I told you so” strategy. That would be as opposed to the, “you’re going to get stiffed — but I’ll let you discover that...
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Commission Confusion

Awkward Legal Construction One of the more confusing parts of the standard Minnesota Buyer Rep agreement — the contract governing the relationship between a home Buyer and their Realtor — is the two-part section discussing compensation. The first part states that the Buyer will pay the agent a to-be-specified retainer fee. That sure would be nice ....
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"Playing the Field" vs. Exclusivity

Date Tiger Woods? “No, Thanks” If you liked it then you should have put a ring on itIf you liked it then you shoulda put a ring on it –Beyonce Knowles; lyrics, “Single Ladies” Many young, attractive singles eschew commitment in order to “play the field”: the variety, the excitement, the possibilities all seem to...
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Parachuting & Buyer Rep Contracts

The Perils of Overconfidence, Experience What do parachuting and Buyer Rep contracts have in common? I recall from my one time parachuting, almost 30 years ago (I knew the experience would prove to be useful in later life), that parachute fatalities actually fall into two groups. Unceremoniously referred to as “bouncing,” the first group —...
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