Message to Google (See Above*) Don’t be evil. –Google corporate motto I suppose it’s the blogging equivalent of losing an election to a deceased opponent, or “none of the above” on a ballot. What am I talking about? Routinely being buried on Google’s search engine rankings by dozens of other Twin Cities real estate blogs....Read More
Bing vs. Google: No Pay, No Play It is a bit of an understatement to say that this blog’s rank on Technorati, one of the third-party sites that track such things, has bounced around. In the almost two years that I’ve been blogging (yeah, it’s a verb), Technorati has ranked City Lakes Real Estate Blog...Read More
The Twin Cities’ 40th Best RE Blog? Really?? Run a Google search on “Twin Cities’ best real estate blog” and what do you find? Not this blog. At least, not in the top 25 hits (“City Lakes Real Estate” was actually 40th as of this morning — at least before this post pushed it up...Read More