(Actually, 100,000 of ’em) At the current pace, this blog will log its 100,000th page hit sometime later this month. Thanks for visiting — er, reading!Read More
Worldwide Blog Rankings This blog’s worldwide ranking, at least according to Technorati, continues to be about 19,000 (given that there are at least 5 million ranked blogs, that translates into the 99.7% percentile!). While I can’t prove it, I’m convinced that this blog’s ranking in India is much higher. That’s because City Lakes Real Estate...Read More
I’m Number . . . 756,681??!! According to Technorati, the Nielsen ratings of the blogosphere, this blog now ranks 756,681 world-wide in popularity. That’s actually a bit better than it sounds: there are millions of blogs out there, and most don’t have enough traffic to even warrant a ranking. Technorati alone tracks more than 4.7...Read More