
April 1

April Fool’s 2021 — Realtor Edition

“Can I Please Speak to Myra Mains?” Courtesy of retired Edina Realty office manager Josh Kaplan, here is a classic April Fool’s joke for — make that on — Realtors, especially “newbie” Realtors. The front desk leaves a voicemail for the intended Realtor-victim (plural, ideally), telling them that they have a lead for them. The...
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Realtor April Fool’s Jokes

“Can I Please Speak to Myra Mains?” Courtesy of retired Edina Realty office manager Josh Kaplan, here is a classic April Fool’s joke for ” make that on ” Realtors, especially “newbie” Realtors. The front desk leaves a voicemail for the intended Realtor-victim (plural, ideally), telling them that they have a lead for them. The prospect’s name...
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Realtor April Fool’s Jokes

“Can I Please Speak to Myra Mains?” Courtesy of now-retired Edina Realty office manager Josh Kaplan, here is a classic April Fool’s joke for ” make that on ” Realtors, especially “newbie” Realtors. The front desk leaves a voicemail for the intended Realtor-victim (plural, ideally), telling them that they have a lead for them. The prospect’s name is “Myra...
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Realtor April Fool’s Jokes

“Can I Please Speak to Myra Mains?” [Editor’s Note:  if you’re a regular reader, you may recall this post from previous years.  Normally, I re-run it April 1.  However, given that Google and other search engines already seem to be finding it early, I’m moving up the timing this year.] Courtesy of now-retired Edina Realty office manager Josh...
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Realtor April Fool’s Jokes

“Can I Please Speak to Myra Mains?” [Editor’s Note:  if you’re a regular reader, you may recall this post from previous years.  Normally, I re-run it close to April 1.  However, given that Google and other search engines already seem to be finding it early, I’m moving up the timing this year.] Courtesy of now-retired...
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Obama Seeks White House "Short Sale"; Creditors Balk

White House “Short Sale” Washington, D.C. (April 1, 2010) –President Barack Obama today announced plans to sell the White House as part of the government’s ongoing efforts to reduce the national debt. However, with an estimated fair market value of $200 million, secured by a $13 trillion mortgage, President Obama acknowledged that, at present, the...
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