
December 21, 2019

Real Estate Comp’s vs. Publishing Comp’s

Sales Blockbuster a Big Surprise “We like to have a comparison title so that we can do sales forecasts, but in this case none of the comparisons work.” –“The Long Tail of ‘Where the Crawdads Sing”; The New York Times (12/21/19). It turns out that publishers estimate book sales the same way Realtors (and Appraisers)...
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Why is Calling Someone a “Piece of Work” an Insult?

Porsches, Picasso’s, and Stradivariuses A Steinway piano is a hand-made marvel, full of intricate detail and workmanship, sought by collectors and valued accordingly. A true “piece of work,” one might even say. Ditto such treasures as a Stradivarius violin, a Picasso painting, a Porsche sports car, and a Rolex watch. So . . . how...
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