
August 1, 2018

2 Unmistakable Signs That Your Kid’s Leaving for College Soon

Preparing for an Empty Emptier Nest “At first you go bankrupt slowly, then all at once.” –Mark Twain, F. Scott Fitzgerald, others. Somehow, the quote above seems to (also) describe the experience of preparing for the imminent departure of our 18 year-old for college in California this Fall. It creeps up slowly . . . then...
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Early Move-In (No Agreement)

Homing Instinct Sellers frown on Buyers moving in before closing, for about 27 (valid) reasons.  See, “Move-in Agreements & Rent-Backs”; and “Real Estate Chutzpah.” But, the Momma raccoon that set up housekeeping in my client’s window well hardly asked anyone’s permission. And since my clients moved out-of-town well before closing, it fell to the Buyer...
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