Real Estate Fees: Flyover Country vs. the Coasts “The cost to register property in the U.S. has nearly quintupled from 2009, from .5% to 2.4%.” –Brett Stephens, “Doomed to Stagnate“; The Wall Street Journal (12/20/16) Given that the total closing costs for the average Minnesota home buyer come to about 2.7%, I can confidently say...Read More
Et Tu, Fannie & Freddie? Stocks are breaking records, the dollar’s soaring, and gas at the pump is still (too?) cheap. And, y’know, the economy actually doesn’t seem to be doing too badly. What could go wrong? (at least, in the housing market). If you’re going to be a worrier, anyways, you might as well worry...Read More
Two Risks, Not One [Editor’s Note: The views expressed here are solely those of Ross Kaplan, and do not represent Edina Realty, Berkshire Hathaway, or any other entity referenced. If you need legal advice, please consult an attorney.] If Buyers can waive a home inspection altogether (they can), it stands to reason they can get...Read More