
December 9, 2016

Copper Highlights . . . for Homes!

Not Just for Hairdressers It’s WAY too early to pronounce it a trend, but . . . I am noticing selected remodeling projects around the (Minneapolis) Lakes where the homeowner is using copper to punch up the home’s exterior appeal. The most popular applications:  roofs, chimney caps, and downspouts. I don’t see residential buildings doing it...
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Showing Instructions: “Dog Will be in Kennel, Friendly”

His Name Isn’t “Fang,” Is It? I got a chuckle reviewing the showing instructions for a home I’m taking clients through over the weekend. They read:  “Dog will be in kennel in garage, friendly.” So far, so good. The instructions continued, “Do NOT approach kennel or let dog out of kennel.” Ummm . . . OK...
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