
May 21, 2016

“The Dumpster Indicator” for Spotting Up-and-Coming Neighborhoods (the bigger the dumpster, the better)

Housing Market Bellwether One dumpster on a block is meaningless. Two, and I start to pay attention. However, three or more dumpsters on a block — especially big ones — can only mean one thing:  the housing stock in the neighborhood is getting a big upgrade, either from exiting homeowners or — more likely —...
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Millennial-Speak for “Thumbs Up”: from “Attaboy” (“Attagirl??”) to “Kudos” to “Props”

For the record, I like neither term:  “attaboy” has a back-slapping, good ‘ol boy quality, while “props” are what the theatre arts department keep in storage. Meanwhile, “kudos” sounds like something that old, white men at the Harvard Club say. Regardless, Millennials have apparently decided that “props” is a newer, cooler way of expressing approbation...
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