
February 28, 2015

Why is Calling Someone a “Piece of Work” an Insult?

Porsches, Picasso’s, and Stradivariuses A Steinway piano is a hand-made marvel, full of intricate detail and workmanship, sought by collectors and valued accordingly. A true “piece of work,” one might even say. Ditto such treasures as a Stradivarius violin, a Picasso painting, a Porsche sports car, and a Rolex watch. So . . . how...
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Showing Instruction “Do’s” and “Don’ts”

Contending With Old Lockboxes, Unlabeled Keys, and Security Systems It’s just good, common sense, but you’d be surprised how many listing agents (representing Sellers) violate the following “Do’s” and “Don’ts” for making their clients’ homes easy to access. “Do”:  use a new(er), easy-to-open lockbox that’s in good repair, and — if not on the front...
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