
November 9, 2014

“Why Not Cleveland?”, Indeed (Or Des Moines, or Memphis, or ???)

New High Tech Headquarters: ‘the Cloud’ “Eventually, the founders of TOA Technologies headquartered in Cleveland. Why not? As they say: “On the Internet, no one knows you’re a dog” ” or in Cleveland or Mosul.” –Thomas Friedman, “Makers and Breakers“; The NYT (11/9/2014) I don’t know how much homes in Cleveland cost, but I’ve got...
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“What’s It Worth?” or, “Accounting for a Basement Bowling Alley” (But Preferably, Not)

CMA (“Comparative Market Analysis”) Math I just showed an Edina home to clients who expressed serious interest, and want to know when they can double back to see it again. Their inevitable next question for me:  “what do you think it’s worth?” While every house is by definition unique, the key to estimating a home’s...
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Needed: The Seasonal Equivalent to “Brunch”

“Name That Shoulder Season!” If you live in San Diego or Palo Alto — never mind. But, if you live in the Upper Midwest (the Twin Cities qualifies), there’s a very palpable, interim season that occurs each year after Fall departs but before Winter arrives. Like . . . right now. Fall < ??? > Winter Unfortunately,...
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Clever Lockbox Codes, Cont.

“You WILL Like This House.”  “You WILL Like This House.” “You WILL Like . . . “ Way back when, I commented (approvingly) on the listing agent (representing the Seller) whose lockbox code was “W-O-W.” Even better (and more obvious) was the Minnetonka home I previewed for a client yesterday, with the lockbox code “B-U-Y.” See...
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