Want to guess why the IRS limits Realtor gifts to clients to a measly $25 per person, per year? (at least, that’s the most that can be deducted). A. The IRS doesn’t think Realtors should give clients gifts. B. The IRS is worried about Realtors kicking back their commissions to clients. C. Clients don’t like...Read More
2014: Year of the “Boomerang Buyer”?? If you didn’t know, a “baby boomeranger” is the adult offspring of a Baby Boomer who’s grown up, graduated from college . . . and moved back home with their parents (presumably unemployed — or at least underemployed). That’s bad for the housing market. Replenished Buyer Pool So, what’s...Read More
Putting Today’s Record Low Housing Inventory in Context Economists distinguish between “real” and “nominal” numbers. So, someone who made $40,000 in 1989 (25 years ago) and now makes $60,00 would certainly appear to be better off. But they’re not. The reason: prices have doubled since then, which means that — to have simply kept pace...Read More