Seller Disclosure Looms Larger The big 2012-2013 change in Minnesota contracts to buy or sell residential real estate — effective Oct. 1 — is the omission of a clause whereby Sellers formerly warranted that the home’s mechanical systems would be in working order as of the date of closing. The primary reason? The language effectively served as...Read More
Define, “Enervate” (Ahem, Ahem) “Mr. Obama’s goal, it seems, was to indicate his continued willingness to serve in a job he believes he can do better than the other guy, but that doesn’t really seem to enervate or enliven him. That’s a problem, and not only for the duration of the campaign.” –Matt Bai, “Obama’s...Read More
Who is Entitled to a Commission? Prospective home buyers may not know what “procuring cause” is, but it’s a good bet their Realtor does: it’s what entitles them to get paid! So, guess which of the following actions — performed by the Buyer’s agent — are relevant for determining “procuring cause”: A. Negotiating inspection issues...Read More