Recommending a Radon Test (or Not) “No man Realtor can serve two masters.” Regular readers will recall a recurring theme on this blog. No, not my penchant for alliteration. 🙂 My stance on single agent dual agency, which is when the same agent represents the Buyer as well as the Seller. Namely, I regard it...Read More
Blog “Traffic Reports” First, a disclosure: while I cannot identify specific visitors to this blog (nor do I want to), I CAN see the domain names they — you — are visiting from, as well as which posts visitors start and finish on. I regard that as useful feedback, and use it (at least a little...Read More
“Risk Without Return” Just two weeks after I last noted plunging interest rates (see, “Refinance Redux, or, “Thanks, Greece!”) . . . they’ve dropped even further. This time, the catalyst is Spain (can you spell C-O-N-T-A-G-I-O-N?) While home Buyers may not follow gyrations in world debt markets, if you’re looking for a home — or...Read More