
November 16, 2011

Realtor Price Opinions: Retail vs. Wholesale

Quality vs. Quantity What’s the difference between a “retail” Realtor price opinion and a “wholesale” price opinion? (my terms) With the former, the listing agent casts a much broader net, issuing a blanket invitation to, say, all their office colleagues to view the home at a particular time. The catch? In practice, the Realtors who...
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Term Limits, Redux

Second Time the Charm? The last time the public was this disgusted with Congress, term limits got a serious hearing. Then — as best I can recall — Bill Clinton got elected President, the economy picked up . . . and the issue just sort of faded away. Fast forward 20 years or so. Reading...
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Updates & Additions: Will the Neighborhood Support it?

  Want to Be Ready for Spring, 2012?  Start Now One of the questions that can come up when you list a home that needs significant updating is, “If we buy this home and put $50k — or $250k — into it, will we overshoot values on the block?” Fortunately, when a $1 million-plus new...
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