
September 23, 2011

Big Bed, or . . .

 . . . . Small Room? Give up? The answer would be “b” — small room (12′ x 10′, to be exact).
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Deal Discounts — and Premiums

Avoiding Appraisal Minefields We may be small, but we’re slow. –Cal Tech football team slogan Once upon a time, when the credit spigots were wide open, Buyers’ financing didn’t much matter to Sellers:  at closing, they received cash. Period. Today? With fewer, strong Buyers out there, tighter credit, and more appraisal minefields to navigate, there is...
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Talking Sellers Out of Price Reductions

Role Reversal [Editor’s Note:  Thanks to Edina Realty colleague Kathy Dick for her contribution to the following post.] Wait a second — don’t Realtors try to get home sellers to reduce their price? And don’t most home sellers stubbornly resist, no matter how compelling the Realtor’s market data (or underwhelming Buyers’ interest)? Well . . ....
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