“What, Somebody’s Going to Steal the Copper Again?” [Editor’s Note: before I lose all my Readers, I promise to switch to sunnier posts . . . next week.] Normally, when I need to re-schedule a confirmed showing, I make a point of calling the listing agent’s office to let them know. For one thing, it’s just...Read More
Prescription: ‘Take 2 4 Aspirin’ Seeing as how the current approach doesn’t seem to be working out so well, I hereby propose a “do-over” in dealing with the aftermath of The Crash of ’08. Exactly what do I have in mind? Instead of: -Rewarding the perpetrators with bailouts; –Punishing savers with the double-barreled whammy of...Read More
Full Confession You may think that the current stock market swoon has to do with the economy slowing, the messy aftermath of the debt ceiling crisis, or disappointing job numbers. But I know for a fact that that’s not it. It was me. “Ross Kaplan, Contrarian Indicator” Two weeks ago, I took a maturing CD...Read More
Sales Hyperbole “Never ask a barber if you need a haircut.” Is now “A GREAT TIME TO BUY A HOME?” Is it in fact, “THE BUYING OPPORTUNITY OF A LIFETIME?” Search me. But I’ll say this: Realtors who are screaming those things (or statements like it) the loudest: a) don’t have a clue; and b)...Read More