Real Estate Pop Quiz Quick, which of the following items make housing more expensive? A. Higher interest rates; B. Limiting (or eliminating) the mortgage interest deduction; C. Less capital for funding mortgages, due to a shrinking role played by Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac (the so-called Government-sponsored enterprises); D. Requiring Buyers to put down 20%....Read More
Pre-Closing Clean-Up — or, “Can’t Get No (Mortgage) Satisfaction” It could just be a consequence of handling more estate sales lately, but it does seem that I — and my clients’ closers — have been running into more issues with what I’ll call “financial ghosts.” The typical scenario involves a sale being handled by the (adult) surviving...Read More
If you’re able, collections for Minneapolis tornado victims are being accepted at Central Ave. and Broadway on the city’s north side. Apparently, the items most in need are . . . . underwear, and kids’ shoes (sizes 4T – 5T). Without access to their (severely damaged) homes, people have been in the same clothes since...Read More