Housing Multiple Choice What do local real estate insiders think is the biggest threat to housing prices prospectively? A. The winding down of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. B. A spike in mortgage rates. C. Phasing out the mortgage interest deduction. D. Imposing a tax on real estate commissions. *Answer: C The above observation is...Read More
Best exchange at today’s Exceptional Properties meeting? That would be the one between Matt Loskota, newly named manager of the merged City Lakes and Parkwest offices, and John Shaw and John Smaby, office managers of Edina’s 6800 and 50th & France offices, respectively. The meeting typically attracts 40-50 upper bracket agents from 3-4 nearby Edina offices, and...Read More
Scooping The Wall Street Journal on Groupon Retailers have learned the hard way that coupon sites like Groupon Inc. don’t always deliver such a sweet deal. Many businesses felt burned after their early experiences with Groupon. Now the small retailers that form the base of its business have become savvier about working with Groupon and...Read More