When Do You Tell the Seller? The Buyer’s Agent called you up after the first showing to say it went well, and to ask a few questions about the house’s condition. The second showing was yesterday. Then, mid-afternoon today, the Buyer’s Agent called to say that she is meeting with her client tonight to write...Read More
Advice to Prognosticators I’m drafting my 2011 letter to clients now, which seems like a good time to recall this (anonymous) advice to prognosticators: “The ideal time frame for predictions is 2-4 years out. That’s immediate enough to compel people’s interest, but distant enough that if you’re wildly off the mark, no one will remember.”...Read More
“We” Minus the “Us”; or,More Pronoun Confusion The bailout and stimulus that we have administered to ourselves have left us without much cushion. There may be room, and even necessity, for a little more stimulus. But we have to get this moment right.” –Thomas Friedman, “Got to Get This Right“; The New York Times (11/27/2010)...Read More