“Party of Five” — Or Twelve If a dozen people came through your Realtor’s Sunday open house, would that qualify as good traffic? It all depends. If the 12 people were the couple contemplating buying, 4 of their friends, 2 siblings, and both sets of parents . . . I’d say, “no,” not really (and...Read More
Mortgage Foreclosure Mess Two weeks or so into the mortgage foreclosure mess, some of the dust is settling regarding what could potentially be hundreds of thousands of homes improperly foreclosed upon by the big banks. First, what’s not going to happen: people who lost their homes in such fashion are not going to get them...Read More
I found myself driving down Highway 100 this morning behind a big, red van advertising “de-flooding” services. No, that isn’t a word, but I suppose it does the job . . . .Read More
Progeny of “Trickle Down Economics” Want today’s housing market — at least in many locales — in a (sober) nutshell? Here it is: Home Sellers now divide into two groups: those with equity, who can afford to sell; and those who are underwater, and can’t. The ones who can afford to sell, are — but...Read More