
October 17, 2010

Tarnished "Windfall"

Slim PickingsI really never stopped to think about the origin of the word “windfall”; like most people, my association with the word is positive (who wouldn’t want to be on the receiving end of a “financial windfall?”). So, it was dismaying to discover while apple picking last weekend that “windfall” — at least when it...
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Curing the "I Wanna’s"

“You Say Tomato, I Say To-Mah-To” My just-turned six daughter has a bad case of the “I wanna’s”: “I want to eat that kind of food” (mac ‘n cheese, not vegetables), “I want to watch this TV program,” “I want that new toy” (OK around her birthday, but not the next month). Etc., etc. So...
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