
September 25, 2010

"The Mulligan Market"

Disregarding Buyers’ First Offer Mulligan (ˈmÉ™-li-gÉ™n): a free shot sometimes given a golfer in informal play when the previous shot was poorly played. So, I think I’ve got a good name for today’s housing market: ‘The Mulligan Market.’ That’s because so many deals these days start out with the Buyer making an insultingly poor (out-of-bounds?)...
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"Landlords Have the Upper Hand. No, Renters Do"

So Which Is It? One side effect of a market flooded with both sales and rentals is that renters are gaining clout when it comes to negotiating, just as buyers have. –“As Sales Slump, Rental Stock Rises“; The New York Times (9/25/2010) To the chagrin of many renters . . . the balance of power...
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