“It’s a Plane, it’s a Bird, it’s . . it’s . .” OK, so it’s not quite as embarrassing as emerging from the restroom with a piece of toilet paper stuck to your shoe and not knowing it. However, here’s betting that that bright light in the top middle of the window (pictured above) isn’t...Read More
Blueprint for Fixing a Broken System If something exists, it must be possible.–Amy Lovins After decades of ineffective band-aid’s, senior government officials finally “bit the bullet” and commited to a long-term fix. First, they came up with a design that would meet 21st-century needs. Then they raised enough capital to overhaul the old, antiquated system,...Read More
Fraud Catches Up to Ex-CEO Judge orders Scrushy to pay $2.8B to shareholders –Headline, The Associated Press (6/18/09) An Alabama state judge just ordered Richard Scrushy, former CEO of HealthSouth, to pay shareholders billions in connection with fraud committed at the rehabilitation chain between 1996 – 2002. Scrushy’s chutzpah extended to the courtroom: during one...Read More