
who pay

So, Who Pays For That Post-Closing Special Assessment — the Buyer or Seller?

Home Sale “Bones of Contention”** — and How to Avoid Them Sellers don’t want to pay special assessments that are payable after closing . . . because they’re not going to be the owner then. It makes sense for the Buyer to pay it, they reason, because it’s the Buyer who’s going to enjoy the...
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Who Pays for a Pending City Assessment, Buyer or Seller?

Losing $100k(?) to Save $21k Rule #1 in real estate is that everything’s negotiable. Rule #2:  there are times when it’s best to forget Rule #1, and preemptively take care of an issue before it threatens to torpedo a deal. That would certainly have been true in the case of a certain upper bracket Wayzata home...
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