
short selling

Today’s Investing Strategies: Buy & Hold, FIFO & LIFO

Explanation for Jumpy Markets Want a(nother) reason for heightened stock market volatility? More investors are switching from buy-and-hold to “FIFO”: first in, first out — and ask questions later. Such is the aftermath of a decade-plus of negative overall stock market returns. And that’s before inflation. As I’ve blogged before, welcome to “risk without return.”...
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Goldman Sachs: ‘It’s Not My Dog’

Goldman Sachs: Preying on its Clients (& Taxpayers, too) [Note to Readers: No, this hasn’t become the “anti-Goldman Sachs rant” blog. It’s just that: a) the firm’s conduct is/was so outrageous; b) the economic harm it caused so far-reaching; and c) authorities’ response to the firm’s conduct so feeble (if you can call it that)....
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