
Rolling Stone

Great Legs: Taibbi on Goldman Sachs

Taibbi’s Article: Great ‘Legs’ If online articles were ranked the same way as newly-released (music) singles, Matt Taibbi’s scathing attack on Goldman Sachs in the current issue of Rolling Stone (yup, Rolling Stone) would be number one — with a bullet. If it were a new movie, you’d say Taibbi’s article has ‘legs.’ If you...
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Goldman Sachs, Culprit

Regulatory Capture — Exhibit A Goldman Sachs made out on the housing bubble twice: it f—ed the investors who bought their horsesh-t CDO’s by betting against its own crappy products, then it turned around and f—ed the taxpayer by making him pay off those same bets. –Matt Taibbi, “The Great American Bubble Machine”; Rolling Stone...
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AIG Explained

Hollywood Couldn’t Come Up With This Stuff “The AIG bailout, in effect, was Goldman [Sachs] bailing out Goldman [Sachs].” –Matt Taibbi, “The Big Takeover”; Rolling Stone (3/19/09) “Here’s the dirty little secret . . . most of the stuff that got us into trouble was perfectly legal. And that is a sign of how much...
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