
Purchase Agreement

Today’s Buyer: A Composite

What Do Today’s Home Buyers Look Like? Contrary to popular opinion, home buyers are not an endangered (or extinct) species. Two of my clients just purchased homes, and three more are actively looking. So what generalizations can you make about them? They have many (if not all) of the following four attributes: One. First-time Buyers....
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Foreclosure Headache #7 (and #9, #17, #22, etc.)

Lack of Standardized ContractsCreates Foreclosure Can of Worms From a realtor’s perspective, representing a Buyer trying to purchase a foreclosure can present an endless can of worms. For starters, there’s the issue of the house’s condition. What is it? Unlike a typical owner-occupied home, there are no disclosures, and the Buyer usually must agree to...
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