
pay station

Downtown Minneapolis Parking Meters: Flunking the “Cost-Benefit” Test

“Penny $2.50 Wise, Pound Foolish” To raise truly piddling amounts of revenue — I paid $2.50 to park for 90 minutes* or so the other week — downtown Minneapolis merchants are easily foregoing 3x or even 10x times that in sales revenue (my very conservative estimate). So, instead of navigating the maddening system of remote...
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Uptown Minneapolis’ New 50% Surtax on Small Purchases

Dumb Tax Idea #27, or, “The (In)Convenience Store Tax” Did you know that the city of Minneapolis just slapped a 50% surtax on small purchases such as ice cream, coffee, dry cleaning, pet grooming, etc.? OK, so they’re not calling it that — but that’s effectively what it is. What I’m referring to, of course, are...
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